
A Gonzo Science Fantasy Adventure Game

This project is maintained by Transcendent-Tapir

Arko Station

A space station orbiting a black hole beyond its event horizon. The layout feels ever shifting and time can move faster or slower depending on what room you’re in. The station is occupied by sentient dinosaurs who have no recollection of who built the station or how they got there. In the center there is a circular room with only one doorway, but you never seem to exit in the same place that you entered.

D12 Dinosaurs(and other ancient animals):
1 Microraptors
2 Kosmoceratops
3 Appatasaurus
4 Parasaurolophus
5 Ankylosaur
6 Dimetrodon
7 Aquilops
8 Pterodactyl
9 Plesiosaur
10 Spinosaurus
11 Ichthyosaur
12 Gigantophis
D10 Station Rooms
1 Dining hall
2 Kitchen
3 Temple
4 Food Production
5 Waste Management
6 Water filtration
7 Security Office
8 Toilets
9 Baths
10 Bunks
D8 Problems
1 A vital system is malfunctioning
2 Something important isn’t where it used to be
3 Someone is acting very strangely
4 The size of the rooms has shifted
5 Someone has gone missing
6 Someone is hiding something unusual
7 Something new has shown up unexpectedly
8 There are more or less of something than there should be
D8 Spacetime Anomalies:
1 A room where you’re larger at one and and smaller at the other
2 People aging at different rates
3 Rooms connecting in illogical ways
4 Rooms that are much larger or smaller than should be physically possible
5 Rooms with curved floors and gravity that matches
6 Rooms that are a slightly different layout each time you enter
7 More or less time passing than would seem logical
8 Room where you can be walking on the floor or ceiling depending on where you entered

The Forgotten Sectors

sometimes sections of the station become lost, losing all connections to the rest of the station. Forgotten sectors can’t be found, instead they find you, with unusual doors and pathways that disappear if you look away too long. Such as a spiral staircase coming out of a wall, or a ladder inside a walk in freezer. The only way to escape the a forgotten sector is to hope that you live long enough for the station to release you. Forgotten Sectors often have a higher than normal occurence of spacetime anomalies, radiation, and other unidentified energies. Due to this, they are full of unusual and dangerous lifeforms.

Rewards and Assets

D8 Thingy Thing of Stuff
1 Nearly working Dispenser of Nutrients
2 Feathered Hat of Whirling
3 Collapsible Ladder of Weightlessness
4 Cybernetic Tripod of Attraction
5 Flying Nanobots of Construction
6 Hidden Foam of Melting
7 Floral Dress of Charisma
8 Delicious Shell of Instability

Negative Aspects

If you get incapacitated in Arko Station, you can roll on this table for a negative aspect

D10 Aspect
1 Curiously Shrinking Body Part
2 Slowly Calcifying
3 Occasionally desyncronized with time
4 Constantly changing age
5 Sees through dimensions
6 Disappearing bones
7 Inconsistent Gravity
8 Changes state of matter
9 Detatchable limbs
10 Robotic-Arachnid Infection

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